Delivering Material to Warren Island

The process of delivering a landscape to Warren Island started at the dock of Kramer’s Marina in Hope, Idaho. From there, materials were palletized or loaded into heavy bags and lifted to the barge by crane. If the water was calm, the barge was pushed 1.5 miles across Lake Pend Oreille by tug boat. The trip typically took 1.5 hours in each direction. Once to the island, the process was repeated to unload the materials from the barge to the shore.

Equipment coming off the barge Material unloaded and waiting for the barge Moving material via crane from the barge Off loading bags of material from the barge via crane More crane work to deliver material bags Staging material bags for offloading Large rock slabs offloaded via crane Pathway material delivery Crane delivering material over the lake Forklift shuttling material back to the work site Flying Golf Carts! - To protect delicate areas, we used lighter equipment for material hauling Loading material onto our island shuttle One more piece of equipment to unload from the barge